About Us

We are an advocacy NGO that reminds the world of the need to reduce the quantity of waste we produce, embrace recycling and save our environment for our children. Pollution is our problem; prevention is a major global concern because of its harmful effects on people’s health and the environment. Because we are all inhabitants on earth everyone is a stakeholder and every person has something to contribute to advance effective pollution prevention awareness.
To summarise what we hope to achieve through proper waste management, please take a look at the list below:
- Create a logistics company waste management.
- Become a partner with both governments Nigeria-swiss.
- Press kit firm photos, positive and negative from both countries.
- To begin, awareness work is needed in families, schools and churches.
- Raising international awareness about mortality in Nigeria very young population.
- Recovery container promotion for communities, individuals and business
- Finding ways to recycle them
- Research or creation of recycling plants.
- Logistics of waste management, means of recovering (transport) waste.
- Research of various means of valorization.
- Job creation.
- Search for partners.
- Loyalty and Accountability Program for Individuals, Companies, and Government.
- Interest through waste recovery, reward system.
- List waste generators.